mandag 30. mars 2009

gutt eller jente?

en sånn listeting der man finner ut om man er mest gutt eller jente... ingen tvil om hva jan thomas hadde blitt på en sånn her liste :P

Your boyish side:
[X] You love hoodies
[X] You love jeans
[x] Dogs are better than cats
[x] You're gleeful
[x] You've played in the same team with guys
[ ] Shopping is torture
[ ] You hate sad movies
[ ] You have an X-box
[X] You played with toy cars as a kid
[ ] You've wanted to become a firefighter
[x] You have a DS, PS2 or Sega
[ ] You've been obsessed with the Power Rangers
[ ] You watch sports on TV (not all the time)
[x] You ask your dad for advice
[ ] You'd wanna own hundreds of baseball caps
[X] You like going to football (soccer) games
[ ] You have collected/collect baseball cards
[x] Baggy jeans are cool
[ ] Pajama-parties are weird
[x] Green, black, red, blue or silver is one of your favorite colors
[x] You love doing crazy stuff without any regards to what other people might think
[x] Sporting is fun
[X] You talk with food in your mouth
[x] You use boxers
Boy: 15

[x] You use lip gloss
[x] You love shopping
[x] You use eye-liner
[ ] You have the same shirt in multiple colors
[x] You wear pink
[ You ask your mother for advice
[ ] You think cheerleading is a sport
[ ] You hate dressing in black
[ ] You like hanging around at malls
[ ] You like going to manicures/pedicures
[x] You like wearing jewellry
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your identity
[ ] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies
[x] You don't like Star Wars
[ You do cheerleading/gymming/dancing for recreation
[ ] It takes you about an hour to shower, dress, apply make-up and choose accessories
[X] You laugh a lot
[ ] You own more than 10 pairs of shoes
[x] You care about your appearance
[ ] You wear a dress whenever you can
[X] You use perfumes
[X] You use lingerie
[x] You played with dolls as a kid
[ ] You like putting make-up on others
[ ] you like taking pictures of yourself when bored
Girl: 11

mer gutt enn jente =) som forventet egentlig... har mange jentete sider, men også mange guttete gitt =) syns jo det er gøy å shoppe og sminke seg og sånn, men dæven så gøy det er å rase rundt med atv og lekesloss;) hihi...

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